Barbara Zecchi is Professor of Iberian and Cinema Studies, and Director of the Film Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She received her PhD from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1998. Zecchi's research and teaching interests include videographic criticism, gender studies and feminist film theory, adaptation theory, and the digital humanities. In addition to about 50 articles and book chapters, she is the author of the books La pantalla sexuada (The Gendered Screen, Cátedra, 2015), Desenfocadas: Cineastas españolas y discursos de género (Out of Focus: Spanish Women Filmmakers and Gender Discourses, Icaria, 2014), and of the edited volumes Tras las lentes de Isabel Coixet: Cine, feminismo y compromiso (PUZ, 2017), Gynocine: Teoría de género, filmología y práxis cinematográfica (Univ. Zaragoza, 2013), Teoría y práctica de la adaptación fílmica (Complutense, 2011), La mujer en la España actual, ¿evolución o involución? (co-edited, Icaria, 2004), and Sexualidad y escritura (1850-2000) (co-edited, Anthropos, 2002), among others. She is the founder and director of the Gynocine Project. Since 2006 she has curated the UMass Catalan Film Festival, and collaborates in the organization of the UMass Latin American Film Festival. She has served on a number of festival juries (such as «Cines del Sur » in Granada, and MicGenero Gender Lab in Mexico)